Friday, October 04, 2024

A Big Win for Social Justice: Reservation Now in IIM-A’s PhD Program! What’s Next? The Political Game Begins!

A round of applause for the tireless warriors of social justice! After much struggle, IIM Ahmedabad has finally introduced reservations in its PhD program starting 2025. This historic decision is a major step toward making elite education “inclusive,” ensuring that underrepresented groups secure their rightful seats in prestigious academic programs. A big victory? Sure. But don’t pack up the banners just yet—this is only the beginning.

You see, this move isn’t just about academics. No, no. It’s the perfect springboard for politicians looking for their next headline-grabbing cause. Imagine the possibilities! As reservation policies expand, the political machinery can rev into full gear. After all, elections are always around the corner, and what better way to gather votes than by championing more reservations?

But why stop at PhDs? Let’s now train our focus on reservations in the defense forces! Why should merit, physical fitness, or a strong sense of national duty be the only criteria for guarding our borders? The Indian Army, Navy, and Air Force could become true symbols of inclusive patriotism by ensuring that every regiment reflects our country’s diverse social fabric.

Next in line: our Olympic contingent! If social justice demands representation in education, why not in sports? Who needs rigorous training when we could field a perfectly representative team based on social quotas? Imagine the headlines: “India wins gold for equality!” It won’t matter how many medals we actually bring home, because the real victory would be in showcasing our commitment to diversity over merit.

And let’s not forget about the Indian cricket team, the heart and soul of the nation. Should we continue to select players based on talent, hard work, and years of dedication? Of course not! The time has come for cricket to embrace the spirit of social justice. A little reservation here, a little quota there, and soon we’ll have a team that doesn’t just chase trophies but symbolizes our quest for true inclusivity.

Now, here’s where things get even juicier—politicians can milk this for years! By pushing reservation in every possible domain—defense, sports, government jobs, space programs—politicians can maintain their vote banks while also claiming to be the champions of equality. Every election season could feature rallies filled with promises of more representation in every sphere of life. Forget policies that strengthen the economy or improve infrastructure—this is the winning strategy!

And why stop there? If social justice is to truly prevail, why not reserved seats in international diplomacy? Let’s demand that UN representatives, astronauts, even Nobel laureates are selected not for their expertise or contributions, but for their community background. After all, it’s not about who’s best suited for the job—it’s about making sure everyone gets a fair share of the spotlight.

So, congratulations again on this monumental victory. But the road to full “equality” is long, and we’ve only just begun. Politicians, rev up your engines. The real race is about to start.

#PoliticalVictory #ReservationForAll #VoteBankPolitics #SocialJusticeWarriors #InclusionOverMerit #PhDReservations #NextStopOlympics #IndiaFirstEquality

Wednesday, October 02, 2024

Why Academic Olympiad Winners Deserve the Same Recognition as Sports Champions

In recent years, we have seen our Prime Minister engage with and honor the nation's top athletes, including Olympic and Paralympic medalists, as well as Chess Olympiad winners. These meetings have been a source of great pride and inspiration, not only for the athletes themselves but for the nation as a whole. The recognition they receive is a testament to the hard work, dedication, and talent it takes to excel on the global stage.

However, amidst these laudable celebrations of athletic achievements, one group remains conspicuously overlooked—our Academic Olympiad winners. Students who represent India at the International Junior Science Olympiad, Physics Olympiad, Chemistry Olympiad, Biology Olympiad, Earth Science Olympiad, Astronomy Olympiad, Mathematical Olympiad, and Informatics Olympiad are equally deserving of national recognition. These young minds bring as much glory and prestige to the country as their athletic counterparts, yet they often go unnoticed by the wider public and the highest levels of government.

The Olympiad Triumphs: A Celebration of Intellectual Prowess

India has a proud history of success in international academic Olympiads. Each year, students from across the country compete against the brightest minds from around the world, solving complex problems and advancing our understanding of science, technology, mathematics, and informatics. These competitions demand rigorous preparation, critical thinking, and innovative solutions—traits that are essential not just for success in these events, but for future contributions to the nation's progress.

Despite the fact that these young scholars bring home medals from prestigious competitions, they are rarely given the same platform or recognition as sports champions. Why? It is time we recognize that intellectual achievement on the global stage is just as valuable, if not more so, than physical prowess.

Why Recognition Matters

When the Prime Minister meets with our Olympic and Paralympic athletes, it sends a powerful message: the nation values and supports those who excel and represent us on the global stage. This recognition inspires young athletes to dream big and work hard to achieve their goals. The same is needed for academic champions.

By meeting with academic Olympiad winners, our leaders can encourage a culture where intellectual achievements are celebrated as much as athletic ones. This would not only boost the morale of young scholars but also inspire more students to pursue careers in science, technology, and research—areas where India must excel if it is to compete in the global knowledge economy.

Moreover, such recognition can play a pivotal role in changing societal attitudes. While sports are often seen as glamorous and exciting, intellectual pursuits are sometimes unfairly regarded as mundane or secondary. By giving academic achievers a similar platform to their athletic peers, we can encourage a societal shift where intellectual effort and creativity are valued just as highly as physical excellence.

A Holistic Approach to Excellence

Meeting the winners of academic Olympiads would also signal that excellence in all forms is valued by the highest office in the country. Whether it is the pursuit of gold in a sprint or a groundbreaking solution to a complex physics problem, both represent the pinnacle of human potential. Our young academic Olympians embody the future of Indian innovation, leadership in science and technology, and the nation’s intellectual strength.

Recognizing them would also emphasize the importance of well-rounded development. The synergy between sports, intellectual pursuits, and the arts is what creates a thriving society. By recognizing academic champions alongside athletes, we acknowledge that both mental and physical disciplines are crucial to national progress.

The Path Forward

To truly celebrate India’s talent, we must broaden our definition of what it means to be a champion. Our academic Olympiad winners deserve to be seen, celebrated, and recognized on the same platform as Olympic athletes. A meeting with the Prime Minister, much like the one held for our athletes, would symbolize the nation’s acknowledgment of their achievements and send a powerful message that India values intellectual achievement.

It is time we recognize that these young minds are our future scientists, engineers, and innovators. Just as sports champions inspire a generation of athletes, academic champions can inspire future generations of scholars. India’s greatness will be defined not just by its ability to excel in sports but also by its ability to lead in science, technology, and intellectual pursuits.

Let us celebrate all our champions—those who bring home medals from both the athletic arena and the intellectual world—because they represent the best of what India has to offer.

Controversial Hero: Revisiting the Legacy of Mahatma Gandhi on His Birth Anniversary

During childhood, we were taught to revere Mahatma Gandhi as the "Father of the Nation." Our textbooks painted him as the man who single-handedly led India to freedom through his heroic efforts and unwavering commitment to non-violence. His face adorned our currency, and his name became synonymous with India's independence. However, in recent years, thanks to the rise of social media and the widespread availability of information, both facts and "mis-facts" about Gandhi have come to light, challenging this carefully curated image. While he remains an iconic figure, Gandhi’s legacy has also been subject to intense scrutiny and controversy.

The Muslim Angle: Charges of Appeasement

One of the most discussed aspects of Gandhi’s legacy is his relationship with the Muslim community and his role in the events leading to the partition of India. Gandhi’s efforts to unite Hindus and Muslims during the independence struggle have been both lauded and criticized. His support for the Khilafat Movement in the 1920s, an effort to restore the Caliphate after the fall of the Ottoman Empire, was intended to build Hindu-Muslim unity. Gandhi saw the movement as an opportunity to bring Muslims into the national fold, but critics argue that it was an unnecessary alignment with a religious cause that had little to do with India’s fight for independence. Many felt that by supporting a predominantly Muslim cause, Gandhi alienated sections of the Hindu population.

Furthermore, Gandhi’s opposition to the partition of India on religious lines was seen by some as a refusal to recognize the legitimate concerns of the Muslim community. He consistently opposed the creation of Pakistan, offering concessions to Muslim leaders, including Muhammad Ali Jinnah, in an attempt to keep India united. His stance, however, was criticized by both Hindus and Muslims: Hindus felt that he was appeasing Muslim demands, while Muslims, particularly the Muslim League, believed that his vision did not adequately represent their interests.

After independence, Gandhi’s actions, such as fasting to ensure that India paid Pakistan its agreed-upon share of wealth post-partition, further fueled accusations of appeasement. His hunger strike to pressure the Indian government to release funds to Pakistan, even as the two nations were embroiled in the Kashmir conflict, was seen by many as putting India’s national interests second. This episode, in particular, led to significant unrest among Hindu nationalists, culminating in Gandhi’s assassination by Nathuram Godse, who justified his act as retaliation against Gandhi’s perceived favoritism towards Muslims.

The Women Angle: Controversial Practices and Relationships

Gandhi’s personal life, especially his relationships with women, has sparked a great deal of controversy in recent years. While he is celebrated for championing women’s rights and advocating for their role in public life, some of his personal practices raise difficult questions. Gandhi often promoted chastity, self-sacrifice, and a conservative view of gender roles, urging women to focus on purity and moral superiority. However, his personal experiments with celibacy—especially in his later years—have drawn significant criticism.

Gandhi’s practice of sleeping naked with young women, including his grandniece, as a test of his commitment to celibacy has been widely criticized. He claimed these experiments were meant to strengthen his spiritual discipline, but many view these actions as inappropriate and troubling. In today's context, such behavior raises ethical concerns about power dynamics and the treatment of women, even if no sexual activity was involved.

In addition, Gandhi’s views on women’s roles were often traditional and patriarchal. While he advocated for their participation in public movements, his speeches and writings emphasized their moral purity and subservient role within the family. Some modern feminists argue that his understanding of women’s issues, though progressive for his time, was ultimately limited and did not challenge deeper structural inequalities.

Gandhi and Caste: The Battle with Ambedkar

Gandhi’s stance on the caste system, particularly his disagreements with Dr. B.R. Ambedkar, has also sparked controversy. While Gandhi spoke out against untouchability and advocated for the upliftment of Dalits, his position on the broader caste system was more conservative. He believed in reforming the caste system rather than abolishing it entirely. Gandhi’s vision of a "reformed" caste system was based on the idea of Varna, or the division of labor, which did not resonate with more radical anti-caste activists like Ambedkar, who sought the complete eradication of caste distinctions.

The most significant conflict between Gandhi and Ambedkar arose over the issue of separate electorates for Dalits. Ambedkar, representing the interests of the Dalit community, sought separate political representation to ensure their rights were protected. Gandhi, however, opposed this move, fearing it would further divide Hindu society. He undertook a fast-unto-death to oppose the British proposal for separate electorates for Dalits, which eventually led to the Poona Pact, where Ambedkar conceded reserved seats within the general electorate. Many Dalits viewed Gandhi’s actions as undermining their struggle for political autonomy.

Conclusion: A Legacy of Complexity

Mahatma Gandhi remains one of the most influential figures in modern history, not just in India but around the world. His philosophy of non-violence inspired countless movements for civil rights and freedom across the globe. However, his legacy is far from unblemished. His views and actions regarding Muslims, women, and the caste system have been subjects of intense debate, with critics arguing that his approach was sometimes overly conciliatory, patriarchal, or conservative.

As we reflect on Gandhi’s birth anniversary, it’s important to recognize the complexity of his legacy. While he will always be remembered as a hero of India’s independence movement, the controversies surrounding his life and beliefs remind us that even our greatest leaders are not without flaws. In an age where information is more accessible than ever, it is essential to critically examine both the achievements and the contradictions of historical figures like Gandhi, acknowledging their contributions while being honest about their limitations.

#ControversialHero #MahatmaGandhi #GandhiLegacy #NonViolence #GandhiAndMuslims #WomenInGandhisLife #CasteAndGandhi #AmbedkarAndGandhi

Tuesday, January 24, 2023

The New York Times Magazine's story on kota



In Kota, students from across the country pay steep fees to be tutored for elite-college admissions exams — which most of them will fail.

Text by Mansi ChoksiPhotographs by Zishaan A Latif

Every summer in northwest India, as hot winds sweep up from the deserts of Rajasthan, trains packed with students from the countryside trundle into Kota, a small city dense with clusters of test-prep centers. All told, roughly 150,000 students arrive every year — some of them children of fruit vendors, farmhands, welders, freight-truck drivers, construction workers, sweepers and rickshaw-pullers from the poorest corners of the country — hoping to improve their chances on the nation’s highly competitive college entrance exams. In a society rife with corruption, where bribes routinely ensure advancement in both the public and private sectors, attending an elite college is one of the most reliable merit-based routes to success. National entrance tests are used to rank students applying to colleges across the country, and families take on lifelong debt for test-prep courses, hoping their children will gain admission to universities that guarantee a career as a doctor or an engineer.

Kota is a place for strivers, where the fear of being left behind is palpable. Two of the city’s main neighborhoods — Vigyan Nagar and Landmark City — feel like open-air museums of Indian anxiety. Their narrow lanes are crammed with student boardinghouses, private tutors and restaurants offering home-style tiffin services. A corner store sells mock tests along with shampoo and cooking oil. Food carts hand out samosas wrapped in textbook paper. Bookstores display biographies of famous engineers alongside self-help books on personality development. Coffee mugs come printed with threats: “If you are not scared and restless, your dreams are too small.”


Govind Pandey is 17 and attends the Motion Education coaching center. He writes formulas on the walls of his hostel to help him prepare for his engineering entrance exam. “Surrounding myself with the material means I am manifesting results,” he says. Credit...Zishaan A Latif for The New York Times

In many ways, Kota is a reflection of the culture of inequality that persists across Indian society. This past year, 2.74 million Indians sat for engineering and medical entrance exams, competing for 64,610 spots. More than 2.6 million failed. Of the students who arrive in Kota every year, only a small percentage are accepted to elite colleges. Known as “toppers,” they are seen as symbols of how grit and dedication can pay off. Everywhere you turn in Kota, the faces of toppers look down on you from billboards advertising the coaching center that tutored them. The many who fail repeat prep courses and retake tests multiple times until they can’t afford to keep trying. Some drop out and return to their villages to find temp work. Some get into lesser-known colleges, graduates of which often earn a fraction of what elite-college graduates can make. Some, mostly women, drop out of the work force altogether.

A student’s room at Crianza, a private hostel. Roughly 150,000 students from across the country move to Kota every year to focus on test prep. Credit...Zishaan A Latif for The New York Times


Despite these grim odds, young Indians continue arriving in Kota, and the coaching institutes have become a big business, encompassing 300 or so centers that generate $350 million to $450 million in revenue every year, according to one estimate. The largest coaching company, the Allen Career Institute, instructs more than one million students.

The industry began as the brainchild of Vinod Kumar Bansal, a mechanical engineer who worked at a city textile factory. In 1974, Bansal was diagnosed with a degenerative neuromuscular condition that would eventually confine him to a wheelchair. At the time, Kota was an industrial town with few job opportunities outside of a cluster of quarries and synthetic-fiber factories. Searching for an alternate career, Bansal began tutoring high school students, and in 1985 helped his neighbors’ daughter pass the engineering entrance exam — she later attended the prestigious Indian Institute of Technology. Over time, more kids from the neighborhood joined his tutoring sessions. In 1990, 13 of his students were accepted into I.I.T. Three years later, 23 students got in. In 1995, the number climbed to 49, according to the book “It All Adds Up,” by Sachin Jha, an early student.

Bansal’s teaching style was rooted in the Kumon method, which was invented by a Japanese high school teacher named Toru Kumon in the 1950s. It was predicated on mastering one topic before moving onto the next. Bansal’s daily practice problems included a sheet of 10 challenging questions sourced from textbooks across the world, which he regarded as a type of “mental massage.” “Spare no effort, work hard and live up to your potential,” Bansal would tell his students. “Whatever follows will always be for the best. That is the simple calculus of karma.” By the time the textile factory, the largest employer in town, shut down and left thousands of skilled workers jobless, Bansal was running a successful test-prep business.

Orientation day at the Allen Career Institute, Kota’s largest coaching center. Allen stretches across 22 buildings in the city and employs 2,000 teachers who instruct 1.25 million students every year. Credit...Zishaan A Latif for The New York Times


One afternoon in the summer of 2000, Bansal awoke to a crowd surging at the gate to his house. News had spread quickly that one of his students had earned the top score on the engineering entrance test. The total number of acceptances to elite colleges from his classes was now close to 300. When Bansal emerged to address the crowd, he announced that he could not accommodate more students. “A riotlike situation prevailed, and the police had to be summoned to get things under control,” Jha wrote.

Over the years, Bansal expanded his business, acquiring neighboring houses to increase capacity, hiring more teachers and eventually constructing a tower with 120 classrooms. Across the city, new coaching institutes, started by Bansal’s factory colleagues and teaching associates, cropped up. They mimicked his teaching style in an attempt to capitalize on the growing demand. So many instructors were being poached or leaving to start their own centers that Bansal created a reserve of roughly 200 teachers and trainees. Coaching centers throughout the city also began spending millions on marketing, recruiting students as early as sixth grade. If a student was bright enough, there was no limit to what a coaching center would do to persuade him or her to move to Kota and study under its banner. Incentives could include a relocation sum, a monthly stipend, a bedroom and, in at least one case, full-time employment for the student’s father. The largess was strategic — one topper could attract thousands who would enroll in the hope of becoming just like them.

In the run-up to exam season, which begins in spring and lasts through summer, prospective toppers are locked away in boardinghouses and offered apartments, motorbikes or wads of cash to thwart poaching by rival coaching centers. Last September, when the medical entrance-exam results were announced, one of the national toppers was Mrinal Kutteri, a teenager with a halo of curly hair from Hyderabad, a city in southern India. There was just one problem: Two different institutes in Kota claimed credit for his success. Kutteri had received coaching in a satellite branch of the Aakash Institute but had also accessed an online test series from the Allen Career Institute. To solidify its claim, the Aakash Institute brought Kutteri to Kota to participate in a victory parade on the institute’s behalf. Kutteri stood in an open jeep, his neck swaddled in garlands, as a wedding band with trumpets and snare drums led a procession of prancing students hoisting posters of his face.




“Kota gives you the right atmosphere to study hard,” says Saurvi Kumari (top left), a student from Bihar who is hoping to go on to study medicine.

“There are two types of students in Kota — rankers and bankers,” Amit Gupta, a coaching-center biology instructor, told me. “One ranker will attract thousands of bankers. This is our modus operandi. We are in the business of selling dreams.” By Gupta’s definition, rankers are students with the potential to get into elite colleges, while bankers, who are in the majority, are students whose ambitions outrank their capacities. “A ranker was always going to get selected,” Gupta told me. “If he gets good teachers, his rank may improve, but he was already capable of selection. The business model of the coaching industry relies on the banker. We show him a dream — ‘You can also become an I.I.T.-ian or a doctor’ — even though we know all along that he would never be selected because there are just not enough seats.”

Yet every student who moves to Kota believes, on some level, that anyone who works hard enough can make it. “Kota gives you the right atmosphere to study hard,” Saurvi Kumari, a student from Bihar who was hoping to go on to study medicine, told me. “You get out of your house for a walk, and you’ll see students with their heads buried in textbooks. You stop to drink tea at the corner stall, and you’ll see students solving problems. It makes you want to leave your cup half-full and run home to your books because everything other than studying can start to feel like a waste of time, but this is what motivates us to work harder.”

Kumari had heard that there was an amusement park with replicas of famous monuments from around the world in the center of the city. There was a house of horrors in a nearby mall where shop attendants dressed as ghosts. You could go boating on the Chambal River and make videos of hand-shadow dances at sunset. “The day I get selected for admission, I will treat myself to these places,” she said.


Anjali a student of Crianza Hostel , seen studying in Pic

Sunday, November 19, 2017

NSEJS credibility at questions mark

IAPT के द्वारा आयोजित परीक्षा nsejs राजस्थान मे  विवादो से घिर गयी हैं। शुरू मे जारी किए नोटिफ़िकेशन मे इस परीक्षा को KVs मे करवाने को कहा गया था। किन्तु अंत समय पे परीक्षा केंद्र परिवर्तित कर दिये गए। नए परीक्षा केंद्र विभिन कोचिंग संस्थान के द्वारा आयोजित स्कूल्स को बना गया। ये ही नहीं इन परीक्षा केन्द्रो को उन कोचिंग संस्थान मे पढ़ने वाले बच्चो को केंद्र बनाया गया। परीक्षा केन्द्रो पे इन कोचिंग संस्थानो के officials ही परीक्षा को संचालित कर रहे थे।
कुछ मुख्य बिन्दु इस प्रकार हैं।
1 एलेन के students को कोटा मे  DDPS स्कूल सेंटर दिया गया। DDPS school ALLEN कोचिंग का है।
2 Resonance के students को कोटा मे DDGS स्कूल सेंटर दिया गया। DDGS school Resonance कोचिंग का है। यही हालत उदयपुर मे रही जहा resonance की कोचिंग जिस स्कूल मे चलती है उसी को सेंटर दिया गया।
3 इन परीक्षा केन्द्रो पे बच्चो के मोबाइल नंबर भी लिए गए। जो की IAPT की दिशा निर्देशों मे नहीं आता हैं।
IAPT क्यों नहीं इतने कम बच्चो के लिए तदस्थ परीक्षा केंद्र आयोजित कर पाया।

IAPT इस तरह परीक्षा को आयोजित करेगी तो इस परीक्षा की credibility पे ये बहुत बड़ा question mark होगा 

Sunday, June 07, 2015

Transparency in IESO

It is one of the most prestigious international Olympiads. India is participating in it since it was started. The OCSC camp for round 2nd was held from 13 May-30 May in Chennai by Geological Society of India. This year there were issues regarding the way camp was conducted in Chennai.

OCSC exam pattern & selection process for final round was not shared with the participants. The paper had questions with multiple answers & students could know about it only when they asked about it and by the time exam had already started. Instructions were not given on Question Paper. Even the marks were not disclosed & answer sheet was not shown to the students which generated a fair amount of doubt regarding four play in selections. In any selection process it is important that assessment should be done in transparent manner not disclosing the marks and not releasing the answer key raises eyebrows.

Such Practices are not suitable and don't match the expectations of the students for the exams or contests which are conducted at International Level.

Saturday, June 06, 2015

Lack of transparency in the SCRA Exam

Special Class Railway Apprenctices' Examination (SCRA) is a very prestigious exam and SCRAs are selected through the Union Public Service Commission Examination conducted every year. At present, Special Class Railway Apprentices follow the four-year (8-semester) Mechanical Engineering Degree Course of Birla Institute of Technology Mesra, Ranchi.

At the successful completion of their course they are awarded the regular BE (Mech) Degree of BIT Mesra. There are limited numbers of seats available for candidates however the way candidates are shortlisted raises lot of questions about the exam.

In the recently declared result of SCRA written test the candidates’ marks are not declared and short listed candidates are supposed to appear for interview which is 200 marks. A final merit list will be prepared by totaling the written marks (600) and Interview marks (200). The problem lies with interview marks which are very subjective in nature and there seems a lot of scope for manipulation in the hands of interview panel. UPSC should get away with interview marks in order to bring complete transparency in the exam.